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More and more of us are becoming aware of the threat to health and privacy from the 5G infrastructure coming now to our towns, streets, homes, schools and businesses.
Despite public concern BCP Council are pushing ahead with the plan to turn Bournemouth into one of the UK’s first smart cities.
There has been no public consultation and no public consent to the plans, which includes microwave transmitters in every lamppost and 50,000 satellites in space to “blanket the Earth” with radiation.
We are fortunate to have local residents who are devoting themselves to researching the dangers and gathering the evidence.
Come along on 11 January to find out more and meet others who share your concerns so we can work together to take action as necessary to raise awareness and stop the rollout.
Free entrance
(donations appreciated for cost of venue hire)
With Emma Victoria Johnson
& BCP 5G Free (Facebook group)
& Special Guest John Kitson (independent MP candidate for Totnes)